03. Quiz: Arithmetic Operators

Quiz: Average Electricity Bill

It's time to try a calculation in Python!

My electricity bills for the last three months have been $23, $32 and $64. What is the average monthly electricity bill over the three month period? Write an expression to calculate the mean, and use print() to view the result.

Start Quiz:

# Write an expression that calculates the average of 23, 32 and 64
# Place the expression in this print statement

Quiz: Calculate

In this quiz you're going to do some calculations for a tiler. Two parts of a floor need tiling. One part is 9 tiles wide by 7 tiles long, the other is 5 tiles wide by 7 tiles long. Tiles come in packages of 6.

  1. How many tiles are needed?
  2. You buy 17 packages of tiles containing 6 tiles each. How many tiles will be left over?

Start Quiz:

# Fill this in with an expression that calculates how many tiles are needed.

# Fill this in with an expression that calculates how many tiles will be left over.

Code Formatting

Which of these lines of Python code are well formatted? How would you improve the readability of the codes that don't use good formatting? (Choose all that apply)

  • `print((17 - 6)%(5 + 2))`
  • `print(4/2 - 7*7)`